Proceedings of the 2023 International Symposium on Children and Youth Health and Well-being


陳毓雯, Hematology Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences; 張佩雯, the International (Macau) Institute of Academic Research; Rebecca Davis, The State University of New Jersey, School of Social Work; 關新, Tianjing Man in Man Social Service Center; 黃丹, South China Normal University, School of Philosophy and Social Development; 黃建忠, The State University of New Jersey, School of Social Work; 黃帝威, ANBOUND, Information Data Research Center; 李銘誼, Qiyan Learning Center, Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province; 梁芷茵, University of Saint Joseph, Faculty of Health Sciences; 羅英廷, South China Normal University, School of Philosophy and Social Development; Rebeka Németh, University of Dunaújváros; Caroline Chi Fan Ng; 董志文, University of Saint Joseph, Faculty of Education; Vitor Manuel Dos Santos Teixeira, University of Saint Joseph, Faculty of Health Sciences; 涂斌, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies; Gabriella Velics, Eotvos Lorand University, Institute of Education and Psychology; 向雅書, Institute of Sociology, Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences; 徐明靜, Tianjing Man in Man Social Service Center; 楊美芬, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, school of Public Administration; 張叢叢, Department of Youth Work Research, China Youth University of Political Studies; 張慧瑜, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, school of Public Administration; 張蕾, Tianjing Man in Man Social Service Center; Yiyang Zhang, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, the University of Hong Kong; Jacky Ho, University of Saint Joseph, Faculty of Health Sciences; Helen Liu, University of Saint Joseph, Faculty of Health Sciences; 劉嘉琪, 周恩來政府管理學院社會工作與社會政策系,南開大學(中國); 張雪梅, 四川省社會科學院社會學研究所(中國); 徐盟靜, 醫務社工部主任,天津仁懷社會工作服務中心(中國)


Health and Well-Being, Child and Youth


Bridging theory and practice, the up-to-date evidence from these proceedings marks an important contribution to the advancement of children and youth health and well-being professions in the issues of technology, health, stress, inclusion, and resilience. The empirical research reported here examines the perceptions of parents, social workers, counselors, and other helping professionals concerning their awareness of child protection and parent-child relationships.

These proceedings serve as a catalyst for action, enabling researchers and practitioners to reference and view the newest research through the lenses of diverse themes that focus on children and youth health and well-being, and to impact the younger population at micro and macro levels. This key text has several important features:

1. It emphasizes the impact of digital technology on well-being among children and young people in this digital age, and how to involve different stakeholders who can help to respond to emergent and existing challenges.

2. It introduces learning disabilities and issues in the field of mental stress and the biopsychology of developmental needs in school settings in addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

3. It advances health knowledge and care practice through practice-oriented research, establishing new benchmarks in health care work, identifying its possibilities and constraints.

4. It enriches knowledge in the field of safeguarding for adults, including parental involvement in identifying and responding to children and youth well-being.

Prof. Jacky Ho is an Associate Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Saint Joseph, Macao, China. He is also the Director of the Macao Observatory for Social Development. He has been conducting programs and studies on the long-term health effects of lifestyle habits and desynchronization of the wake/sleep cycle across lifespans.

Prof. Helen Liu is an Assistant Professor and Research Coordinator of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Saint Joseph, Macao, China. Her research interests are primarily on promoting child and family well-being, together with fostering family resilience and positive developmental outcomes in children and adolescents.


  • Table of Content
  • Contributors
  • Editorial
    Jacky Ho, Helen Liu
  • 流動兒童智能手機使用的父母媒介干預: 基於家長視角的混合研究 | Parental mediation of migrant children’s smartphone use: A mixed method study based on the parents’ perspective
    丹 黃, Yingting Luo
  • Prevention, Empowerment, Deterrent
    Cyberbullying from the Perspective of the Teachers and the Police
    Rebecca Davis, Gabriella Velics
  • 淺談兒童讀寫困難的篩查——以順德區小學生為例 | A Brief Discussion on the Screening and Intervention of Dyslexia in Children (Reading-Spelling Difficulties in Children)— Taking Shunde District Primary School Students as an Example
    Mingyi Li
  • Laughing or Increasing Tension?
    An Experimental Study on How Teachers’ Rude Language Use Affects Mental Stress of Middle School Students
    Di Wei Huang
  • Grassroots Empowerment Approaches Give Girls A Voice
    The Intersection Of SDGS 3, 4, & 5
    Rebecca Davis
  • Resilience and Grit of College Students in China
    Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Mindfulness
    Chien-Chung Huang, 美芬 楊, 叢叢 張
  • Gambling Environment and the Risk for Gambling Addiction
    A Bioecological Perspective on the Role of Adolescents’ Beliefs and Value System
    Chi-Ian Leung
  • Education and Identity Construction for HIV-Positive Young People in China
    Yiyang Zhang
  • Intervention Study of Medical Social Group Work on Medical Fear In Children Undergoing Surgery
    Chien-Chung Huang, Bin Tu, 慧瑜 張
  • 醫務社工服務血液病兒童家庭的體系研究 | A Study of Medical Social Workers Serving the Families of Children with Hematological Diseases in the System
    毓雯 陳, 新 關, 蕾 張, 劉嘉琪, 徐盟靜
  • 澳門中學生幸福感之實證分析 | An Empirical Analysis of the Well-being of Macao Middle School Student
    佩雯 張, Chi Man Tong
  • 社會支持與中國青年抑鬱水平關係研究 | A Study of the Relationship between Social Support and Depression Levels in Chinese Youths
    雅書 向, 徐盟靜
  • The Intergenerational Cycle of Child Maltreatment in Macao SAR
    Caroline Ng, Vitor Teixeira

Author Biographies

陳毓雯, Hematology Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

陳毓雯女士 (Yu-Wen Chen) is a Head nurse at the Institute of Hematology, Hematology Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. Her contact email address is

張佩雯, the International (Macau) Institute of Academic Research

張佩雯女士 (Pui Man Cheung) is an Assistant Researcher at the International (Macau) Institute of Academic Research. Her contact email address is

Rebecca Davis, The State University of New Jersey, School of Social Work

Dr. Rebecca Davis is an Associate Professor of professional practice at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, School of Social Work. She is currently Director of the office of Global Programs. Prof. Davis has 15 years of experience in international social work and international development, primarily in Central and Eastern Europe. Her contact email address is

關新, Tianjing Man in Man Social Service Center

關新女士 (Xin Guan) is a medical social worker of the Tianjing Man in Man Social Service Center. Her contact email address is

黃丹, South China Normal University, School of Philosophy and Social Development

Dr. Dan Huang is a lecturer at the South China Normal University, School of Philosophy and Social Development in Guangdong, China. Her contact email address is huangdan.

黃建忠, The State University of New Jersey, School of Social Work

Dr. 黃建忠(Chien-Chung Huang) is a Professor at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, School of Social Work. He is currently an Associate Dean for Faculty Development. His contact email address is

黃帝威, ANBOUND, Information Data Research Center

黄帝威先生 (Di Wei Huang, Derek) is an Assistant Research Fellow at the ANBOUND, Information Data Research Center in Beijing, China. His contact email address is

李銘誼, Qiyan Learning Center, Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province

Ms. Mingyi Li (Christine Lee) is the Director of Qiyan Learning Center, Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province. Her contact email address is

梁芷茵, University of Saint Joseph, Faculty of Health Sciences

梁芷茵女士(Chi-Ian Leung, Jacqueline) is a Visiting Academic at the University of Saint Joseph, Faculty of Health Sciences in Macau. She is currently Assistant Chief Executive Officer of Bosco Youth Service Network. Her contact email address is

羅英廷, South China Normal University, School of Philosophy and Social Development

Ms. Yingting Luo is a Master’s social work student at the South China Normal University, School of Philosophy and Social Development in Guangdong. Her contact email address is


Rebeka Németh, University of Dunaújváros

Ms. Rebeka Németh graduated as a Human Developer at Eotvos Lorand University, now studying Engineering Management at the University of Dunaújváros. Her contact e-mail address is:

Caroline Chi Fan Ng

Ms. Caroline Ng graduated from the Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy at the University of Saint Joseph, Macau. She is currently providing counselling services in private settings in Macau. Her contact email address is

董志文, University of Saint Joseph, Faculty of Education

董志文先生 (Chi Man Tong) is a researcher at the International (Macau) Institute of Academic Research and a visiting academic at the University of Saint Joseph, Faculty of Education in Macau. His contact email address is 

Vitor Manuel Dos Santos Teixeira, University of Saint Joseph, Faculty of Health Sciences

Dr. Vitor Teixeira is an Associate Professor at the University of Saint Joseph, Faculty of Health Sciences in Macau. He is currently the Head of the Department of Psychology and the Programme Coordinator for the Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy. His contact email address is

涂斌, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

Dr. 涂斌 (Bin Tu) is a Professor at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Dean of School of Public Administration in Guangzhou. Her contact email address is 199510916@ 

Gabriella Velics, Eotvos Lorand University, Institute of Education and Psychology

Dr. Gabriella Velics is an Associate Professor at Eotvos Lorand University, Institute of Education and Psychology at Szombathely, Hungary. She has a background as a sociologist and journalist. Her research focuses on the radio and its role in education and social communication. Her contact email address is:

向雅書, Institute of Sociology, Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences

向雅書女士 (Yashu Xiang) is a Master’s student at the Institute of Sociology, Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences. Her research focuses on community development governance. Her contact email address is 

徐明靜, Tianjing Man in Man Social Service Center

徐明靜女士 (Ming-Jing Xu) is the Department Director of the Tianjing Man in Man Social Service Center. Her contact email address is 

楊美芬, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, school of Public Administration

Dr. 楊美芬 (Meifen Yang) is a lecturer at the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, school of Public Administration in Guangzhou, China. Her contact email address is 

張叢叢, Department of Youth Work Research, China Youth University of Political Studies

Dr. 張叢叢 (Congcong Zhang) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Youth Work Research, China Youth University of Political Studies in China, her contact email address is 

張慧瑜, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, school of Public Administration

張慧瑜女士 (Huiyu Zhang) is a Master’s student at the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, school of Public Administration in Guangzhou, China. Her contact email address is 

張蕾, Tianjing Man in Man Social Service Center

張蕾女士 (Lei Zhang) is the Deputy Director-General of the Tianjing Man in Man Social Service Center. Her contact email address is 

Yiyang Zhang, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, the University of Hong Kong

Ms. Yiyang Zhang is currently a Ph.D. student at the Department of Social Work and Social Administration, the University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include marginalized identity and well-being. Her contact email address is yiyangzhang@connect.

Jacky Ho, University of Saint Joseph, Faculty of Health Sciences

Dr Jacky Ho completed his studies in Health Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine and Health from the University of Sydney (Australia), specialized in Gerontology, dementia and sleep science. He established the Department of Innovative Social Work and the Macau Healthy Lifestyle Research Centre, and was appointed as the Head of the department during his service at the City University of Macau. His research interest including 'ageing and health', 'hypertension and CVD', 'chronic diseases prevention and management', 'dementia and social support', 'physical activity', 'sleep physiology and pathology' and 'occupational health and risk'. His current study is focusing on the establishment of community-based telemedicine and chronic diseases management model in Macau and the Greater Bay Area. He has published on international and peer-reviewed journals including 'American Journal of Hypertension', 'Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health', 'Journal of Sleep Research', 'Journal of Women's Health', 'Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology' and 'Journal of Public Health Nutrition', and currently serves as the editorial board member for the Journal of Chinese Life and Death Studies. He has often been invited as keynote speaker at international conferences and symposiums and has served as an expert member on the Macau Social Worker Professional Registration and Licensing drafting committee. Actively participated and served as the Vice President for the Macau Association of Caring For Children, consultant and board member in several organizations including the Macau Social Workers Association, Macau Hypertension Alliance, Macau Alzheimer Disease Association and Hung Wing Sport Association, as well as an life-time member in the Golden Key International Honour Society.

Helen Liu, University of Saint Joseph, Faculty of Health Sciences

Prof. Helen Liu is an assistant professor at the University of Saint Joseph, Faculty of Health Sciences in Macau. She received her MSW from Rutgers University School of Social Work and her Ph.D. from Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service. She is a researcher-practitioner in social work and an associate affiliate of China Center for Social Policy Columbia University School of Social Work in New York City. Her work has been supported by the Education and Youth Development Bureau, Social Welfare Bureau, and Macao Foundation. Her research interest is primarily in the area of promoting child and family well-being, with fostering family resilience and developmental outcomes in children and adolescents. Her recent publication is entitled the Needs of Different Stages of Marriage and Family Life Course in Macao & Family”, which is to explore the developmental tasks, adjustments to the different stages in their family life cycle so as to identify the social services in the marriage and family sector which may help in the transition from one stage to the other.

Prof. Helen is also the USJ Prison Outreach Programme Leader. Her current research project is to promote relevant and useful research in working together with Coloane Prison, contributing to the establishment of quality and effective services of the outreach programme. Her other research interests include the following topics: 1) Stress, Mental Health, Resilience; 2) Human Development and Acculturation; 3) Social Policy and Management in Macau, Hong Kong, and Mainland China. Beyond the research experience, Professor Helen has experience teaching in other higher education institutions in Taiwan and in the United States since 2012.




June 28, 2024