USJ Academic Press
<p>University Press, associated with the University of Saint Joseph, is a distinguished academic publisher that significantly contributes to the spread of scholarly research and knowledge. Since its inception, it has been instrumental in nurturing intellectual discourse by offering a publishing platform for academics and researchers across various disciplines.</p> <p>The press is dedicated to several core principles:</p> <ol> <li> <p><strong>Promoting Open Access</strong>: It ensures that scholarly works are accessible globally without financial or legal barriers, enhancing the dissemination of knowledge.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>High-Quality Publications</strong>: With over 20 titles published since 2010, covering subjects like humanities, education, religious studies, environmental science, and Macau cultural studies, each publication undergoes rigorous peer review to uphold high standards of academic integrity.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Cultural Heritage Promotion</strong>: By focusing on Macau cultural studies, University Press aids in preserving local heritage and promoting the unique culture of Macau both regionally and internationally.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Diverse Academic Discourse</strong>: The press publishes journals that serve as forums for debate and discussion within specific academic disciplines, supporting comprehensive educational experiences and contributing to the global academic community.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Fairness in Research</strong>: Emphasizing fairness in scientific research, the press evaluates all contributions based on merit alone, fostering an inclusive environment that values diversity and transparency in academia.</p> </li> </ol> <p data-spm-anchor-id="5176.28103460.0.i46.2c765d27inHCSu">Through these efforts, University Press not only enriches the academic literature available worldwide but also supports the University of Saint Joseph's broader goals of education and cultural promotion, positioning itself at the forefront of academic publishing.</p>en-USUSJ Academic Press<div class="copyright_notice submission-item-block"> <p>This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The copyright of all content published in <em>Orientis Aura</em> is retained by the authors.</p> <p>This copyright agreement and use license ensures, among other things, that an article will be as widely distributed as possible and that the article can be included in any scientific and/or scholarly archive.</p> <p>You are free to</p> <ul> <li class="show"><strong>Share</strong> — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format</li> <li class="show"><strong>Adapt</strong> — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.</li> </ul> <p>The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms below:</p> <ul> <li class="show"> <strong>Attribution</strong> — You must give <a href="">appropriate credit</a>, provide a link to the license, and <a href="">indicate if changes were made</a>. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.</li> <li class="show"><strong>No additional restrictions</strong> — You may not apply legal terms or <a href="">technological measures</a> that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.</li> </ul> </div>ARTeFACTo 2024 Macao
<p>ARTeFACTo is a transdisciplinary studies journal and conference centered around the concept of digital media and computer artifacts, which were the genesis of its name. It aims to give visibility to all digital media and technology-based artifacts, creators, or contributors from a transdisciplinary, humanistic, and holistic perspective of integration and composition. The main objective is constructing and disseminating knowledge through descriptions of artistic practice, authorship or co-authorship (including the narration and description of other works), and graphic data (images, diagrams, animations, drawings, sketches). The Journal is open to international contributions from all those studying digital media/computer artifacts, embracing their conceptualization, design, creative and research processes, computational implementation, exhibition and fruition, and role in today’s information and knowledge society. Also welcomed are articles fostering the establishment of the conceptual foundations of an artifact theory in the digital media world. Accepted articles shall be original (in compliance with the standards of conduct of the COPE – Code of Conduct and Good Practices) in Portuguese and English, with a mandatory abstract in English. The Conference has the same goals as the Journal but provides a specific floor for the concrete exhibition of artifacts along with their presentation and discussion. All submissions will be evaluated by peer review, including two advisors from the Scientific Council. All feedback will be sent to the authors, indicating their approval, refusal of publication, or requests for correction or recast. The authors will be notified of the publication once the entire selection process has been completed. ARTeFACTo is a joint project between Artech International and Universidade Aberta.</p>Filipa Martins de AbreuGérald EstadieuSandra Olga NgDaniel Filipe FarinhaCarlos Sena CairesAdérito Fernandes-Marcos
Copyright (c) 2025 USJ Academic Press
2025-03-012025-03-01Inclusive Education in Macao
<p>Executive Summary</p> <p>This research investigated private school teachers’ perceptions and attitudes towards three aspects of inclusive education in Macao: (l) the inclusion of students with SEN in their classrooms; (2) their perceived self-efficacy to deal with the challenges presented by inclusive education; and (3) their responses to the proposed changes to the Macao Decree Law about inclusive education. It was undertaken by the University of Saint Joseph with funding from the Macao Foundation during the school year of 2015-2016, under the consultancy support of Professor Chris Forlin. From the results of the study 11 recommendations are made to support the projected development of inclusive schools in line with the proposed amendments to the Decree Law of 1996 (Decreto-Lei n.0 33/96/M, Governo de Macao 1996).<br>The Macao government is currently in the midst of revising legislation concerning the education of students with Special Education Needs (SEN) in regular settings. In 2015, a consultation document was released for public discussion, which was decisive about moving inclusive education into the public arena. The implementation of an inclusive education system is, however, a highly complex process that requires positive attitudes, expertise, education in Macao is the large number of private schools operating with substantial levels of autonomy.<br>To investigate the teachers’ perceptions and attitude towards inclusive education, the researchers collected data from 508 full-time teachers in private schools that had identified themselves as providing inclusive education. Of the teachers, 91 were teaching in kindergarten, 198 were teaching in primary, 249 were teaching in secondary, three were teaching in special education and some were teaching across sectors. Although working at schools identified themselves as providing inclusive education, 71% of the teachers who participated in this research stated that they did not have direct experience teaching students with SEN.</p>Ana M. CorreiaVitor TeixeiraAngus C.H. Kuok
Copyright (c) 2025 Ana M. Correia, Vitor Teixeira, Angus C. H. Kuok
2025-01-202025-01-20Proceedings of the 2023 International Symposium on Children and Youth Health and Well-being
<p>Bridging theory and practice, the up-to-date evidence from these proceedings marks an important contribution to the advancement of children and youth health and well-being professions in the issues of technology, health, stress, inclusion, and resilience. The empirical research reported here examines the perceptions of parents, social workers, counselors, and other helping professionals concerning their awareness of child protection and parent-child relationships.<br><br>These proceedings serve as a catalyst for action, enabling researchers and practitioners to reference and view the newest research through the lenses of diverse themes that focus on children and youth health and well-being, and to impact the younger population at micro and macro levels. This key text has several important features:<br><br>1. It emphasizes the impact of digital technology on well-being among children and young people in this digital age, and how to involve different stakeholders who can help to respond to emergent and existing challenges.<br><br>2. It introduces learning disabilities and issues in the field of mental stress and the biopsychology of developmental needs in school settings in addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals. <br><br>3. It advances health knowledge and care practice through practice-oriented research, establishing new benchmarks in health care work, identifying its possibilities and constraints.<br><br>4. It enriches knowledge in the field of safeguarding for adults, including parental involvement in identifying and responding to children and youth well-being.<br><br>Prof. Jacky Ho is an Associate Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Saint Joseph, Macao, China. He is also the Director of the Macao Observatory for Social Development. He has been conducting programs and studies on the long-term health effects of lifestyle habits and desynchronization of the wake/sleep cycle across lifespans.<br><br>Prof. Helen Liu is an Assistant Professor and Research Coordinator of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Saint Joseph, Macao, China. Her research interests are primarily on promoting child and family well-being, together with fostering family resilience and positive developmental outcomes in children and adolescents.</p>毓雯 陳佩雯 張Rebecca Davis新 關丹 黃Chien-Chung HuangDi Wei HuangMingyi LiChi-Ian LeungYingting LuoRebeka NémethCaroline NgChi Man TongVitor TeixeiraBin TuGabriella Velics雅書 向明靜 徐美芬 楊叢叢 張慧瑜 張蕾 張Yiyang ZhangJacky HoHelen Liu劉嘉琪張雪梅徐盟靜
Copyright (c) 2024 University of Saint Joseph
<p>Four titles are collected in this collective book. 1. The New Great Learning Oneness Epistemic Model: A Philosophical Analysis of the Concept of Oneness and its Application in Veganism 2. 探討澳門中學生學習困難︑師生關係 及學習動機之個案混合研究摘要 3. Teachers’ Perceptions of Performance Appraisal In A Secondary School In South-East Asia: A Case Study 4. The Financial Valuation of Walmart Inc.</p>Terence Kuong思匯 陳Mattew PotgerGonçalo Nuno das Neves Arrojado Lestro
Copyright (c) 2023 University of Saint Joseph
2023-12-312023-12-31(Un)directed Reading
<p class="p1">These days, we rarely find youth engaged in reading or writing books. Yet, the joy in these activities is inevitable. When first exposed to reading, the new reader may find themself drawn into new worlds of excitement, amazement, emotion, philosophy, and adventure.</p> <p class="p1">This compilation of short stories includes work written by students from different degree programmes at the University of Saint Joseph (USJ), Macao, China, in 2021. Students involved in this project include students from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities’ Bachelor of Architectural Studies, Bachelor of Communication and Media, Bachelor of Design and Bachelor of Fashion Design.</p> <p class="p1">“(Un)directed Reading” is also an installation designed to randomly generate extracts from the selected work edited below. It aims to get the general public and interested individuals to come to the front of the kiosk and be surprised.</p> <p><strong>Table of Content</strong></p> <p><strong>Chapter 1</strong></p> <p>The Last Fight in the Coliseum<br />Regret<br />A Pair of Silk Stockings<br />The Child’s Story<br />About Love<br />An Aged Mother<br />The Man on the Moon<br />Witches' Loaves<br />The Necklace<br />Hearts and Hands<br />The Hand<br />Regrel<br />The Fly</p> <p><strong>Chapter 2</strong></p> <p>In Praise of Video Games<br />In Praise of Argument<br />In Praise of Music<br />Animalia In praise of kids, believing everything is possible.</p> <p><strong>Chapter 3</strong></p> <p>HEA (Happy Ever After)<br />A Loving Park<br />Feng Shui Master<br />At the Theme Park<br />Erasmos’ Blues<br />Finding You</p>Sandra Olga Ka Man NgGerald Estadieu
Copyright (c) 2023 Ng Ka Man
2023-07-102023-07-10Jornalismo e Qualidade no Mundo de Expressão Portuguesa
<p><span class="markedContent"><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*253.42px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*479.38px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*54.00px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(0.833536);" role="presentation">“Jornalismo e Qualidade no Mundo de Expressão Portuguesa”</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*253.42px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*544.18px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*54.00px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(0.854003);" role="presentation">propõe uma análise sobre a paisagem do jornalismo nos oito</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*253.42px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*608.98px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*54.00px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(0.846377);" role="presentation">países de língua oficial portuguesa – Portugal, Angola, Brasil,</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*253.42px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*673.78px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*54.00px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(0.825201);" role="presentation">Cabo Verde, Moçambique, Guiné-Bissau, São Tomé e Príncipe</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*253.42px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*738.58px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*54.00px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(0.837966);" role="presentation">e Timor-Leste – e na Região Autónoma Especial de Macau. O</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*253.42px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*803.38px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*54.00px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(0.833514);" role="presentation">livro é uma reflexão sobre a legislação, o plano jurídico-consti</span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*253.42px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*868.18px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*54.00px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(0.853929);" role="presentation">tucional que enquadra os media no espaço lusófono, os con</span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*253.42px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*932.98px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*54.00px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(0.890798);" role="presentation">textos de mercado, as especificidades inscritas em fatores</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*253.42px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*997.78px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*54.00px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(0.872142);" role="presentation">históricos e económicos, em percursos políticos, bem como</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*253.42px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*1062.58px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*54.00px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(0.857592);" role="presentation">sobre as relações entre os media e os jornalistas e estes e o</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*253.42px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*1127.38px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*54.00px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(0.840751);" role="presentation">poder regulador do Estado.</span><br role="presentation"><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*253.42px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*1256.98px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*54.00px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(0.843648);" role="presentation">Os trabalhos reunidos nesta obra escrita por autores que par</span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*253.42px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*1321.78px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*54.00px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(0.938176);" role="presentation">tilham entre si um dos idiomas mais falados do planeta,</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*253.42px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*1386.58px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*54.00px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(0.845367);" role="presentation">mostram as diferentes realidades do jornalismo no espaço da</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*253.42px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*1451.38px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*54.00px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(0.840142);" role="presentation">língua portuguesa, nomeadamente as suas redes de conheci</span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*253.42px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*1516.18px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*54.00px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(0.875555);" role="presentation">mento, de empenho na promoção da qualidade da informa</span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*253.42px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*1580.98px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*54.00px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(0.85051);" role="presentation">ção, de intercompreensão entre povos e culturas, de novas e</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*253.42px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*1645.78px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*54.00px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(0.826919);" role="presentation">inovadoras formas de parcerias sociais com vista à partilha e à</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*253.42px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*1710.58px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*54.00px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(0.849364);" role="presentation">construção de mundividências.</span></span></p> <p><span class="markedContent"><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*253.42px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*1865.73px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*45.00px); font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(0.750782);" role="presentation">-- JOSÉ MANUEL SIMÕES</span></span></p>António NhagaCarlos CamponezEdwin CarvalhoEduardo NambureteErnesto C. NhanaleJoaquim FidalgoJosé Manuel SimõesJosenildo GuerraJoão MirandaRogério ChristofolettiPaulo MartinsPedro BrincaSamuel LimaSilvino Lopes ÉvoraVirgílio da Silva Guterres
Copyright (c) 2022 José Simões, Carlos Camponez, Rogério Christofoletti
2023-06-262023-06-26Memory and Identity :
<p>Inspired by John Paul II's 2005 book "Memory and Identity: Conversations at the dawn of a New Millenium", staff and students of 38 member universities of the Association of South and East Asian Catholic Colleges and Universities met at the St Paul's Institute in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, in August 2022 to reflect upon memory and identity. This book contains four of the keynote papers given at that conference, addressing the major themes of the conference.</p>Stephen MorganIsabel Capeloa GilOlivier SchmitthaeuslerClarence M. BatanJohn T Giordano
Copyright (c) 2023 library library; Stephen Morgan; Isabel Capeloa Gil, Olivier Schmitthaeusler, Clarence M. Batan, John T. Giordano
2023-05-252023-05-25Interaction design for a contemporary learning and teaching environment
<p>The world is perpetually changing, and the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us that the future is full of unforeseen challenges and potentialities. What are the implications of the advancement in technology on education? How are teachers coping with contemporary educational expectations? Is there a need to redesign the learning environment? What is the exact nature of the forces driving such a change? Is there anything we can learn from successful innovations around the globe?</p> <p>The goals of this dissertation include designing a learning/teaching app and redesigning classroom furniture for primary-level education. A design thinking methodology is used, working through the phases of empathizing, defining, ideating, prototyping and testing the two potential designs.</p>Ka Chi Chan
Copyright (c) 2022 2022
2022-12-312022-12-31Succession in Chinese family business
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Macao is well known for its gaming industry. However, there are also many traditional small-to-medium enterprises which are family-owned and run. There is no doubt that social capital is one of the key competitive advantages that family businesses possess, particularly when it comes to Chinese businesses with strong family values that emphasize the importance of trustworthiness and guanxi (relationships). As opposed to other forms of capital, social capital cannot be passed from one generation to another through the will of the incumbents. So, how is social capital passed on in family businesses from one generation to the next? Based on an in-depth study of five cases of successful family businesses in Macao, this research identified the forms of social capital present in business families and the succession process of these firms. From the generalizations drawn from the five cases, a theoretical framework is proposed to understand the intergenerational transmission of social capital in Chinese family businesses.</span></p>Jenny Oliveros Lao Phillips
Copyright (c) 2022 2022-12-31
2022-12-312022-12-31語文童樂:銀娛讀寫支援及研究計劃教材 | Teaching Kits of GEG Chinese Literacy Development Scheme (GEGCLEAR) project
<p>為推動澳門幼兒早期語文的研究和發展,聖若瑟大學林家駿主教教育研究中心及銀河娛樂集團基金會於2020年7月1日簽署合作備忘錄,建立學術及專業活動合作夥伴關係。合作備忘錄由聖若瑟大學校長麥侍文教授及銀河娛樂集團基金會行政總監饒恩培先生代表簽署。</p> <p>根據合作備忘錄,林家駿主教教育研究中心及銀娛基金會將攜手推行「語文童樂:銀娛讀寫支援及研究計劃」。是項計劃由鄭佩芸教授帶領,長遠目標是在澳門建立一套具研究及實證基礎的語文教學模式,為教師提供專業指導,為學生設立支援小組,並為家長舉辦語文教育講座。目前共有六間澳門幼稚園學部參與計劃,包括澳門浸信中學、聖羅撒女子中學中文部、婦聯學校、化地瑪聖母女子學校、勞校中學及聖善學校。</p> <p><strong>「語文童樂」產品總覽 (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">下載</a>)</strong></p> <h3 class="kt-adv-heading_48a282-9d wp-block-kadence-advancedheading" data-kb-block="kb-adv-heading_48a282-9d"><strong>學會閱讀介紹 (</strong><strong style="font-size: 0.875rem; font-family: 'Noto Sans', 'Noto Kufi Arabic', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;">試讀:<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">第一輯</a>|<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">第二輯</a>|<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">第三輯</a></strong><strong>)</strong></h3> <div id="section-g50149f" class="wp-block-gutentor-e1 section-g50149f gutentor-element gutentor-element-advanced-text text-align-justify-desktop"> <div class="gutentor-text-wrap"> <p class="gutentor-text">《學會閱讀》叢書是「語文童樂:銀娛讀寫支援及研究計劃」主要出版項目之一。叢書按程度分為兩輯,適合2-6歲幼兒閱讀。叢書的編寫理念源於國際閱讀研究的結果,期望幫助幼兒打好閱讀的兩大基石:語言理解和基礎識字,從而發展閱讀理解能力,達致閱讀成就。叢書根據幼稚園常用的教學主題設計多個系列,有以下特點:<br /><br />1. 語言理解<br />根據2-6歲幼兒的語言發展歷程,並參考香港中文大學語言學系的中文語法評估研究,由淺入深,循序漸進編寫語文學習重點,包括累積詞彙,認識詞性,掌握短語、基本句式、複合句式和敍事結構。叢書運用重複短語及句式編寫,着重故事情節的鋪排。幼兒通過觀察圖畫,推敲故事情節,猜測和描述故事發展,提升語言理解能力。每本圖書根據語文學習重點,提供語文延伸活動,讓幼兒鞏固所學。<br /> <br />2. 基礎識字<br />參考「語文童樂」計劃語料庫,選取幼兒階段適合學習的字詞,配合主題及故事情節編寫。幼兒閱讀兩輯圖書,藉着重複聆聽及朗讀文句,有機會接觸約280個單字及180個詞語。每本圖書根據內文,提供基礎識字建議,包括重點字詞及進階字詞,成人可視乎幼兒能力,調整識字量。<br /> <br />3. 主題導向<br />根據幼稚園常用的教學主題,設計多個系列,題材涉獵層面廣泛,貼近幼兒日常生活經驗,包括學校、家庭、節日、交通和大自然等。叢書的主角設定為幾位活潑可愛的幼稚園學生,故事題材圍繞幾位主角與老師、同學、朋友和家人之間發生的趣事和生活點滴。幼兒易於理解故事建構的情境,與主角建立友伴關係,投入輕鬆愉快的學習氛圍。<br /> <br />《學會閱讀》叢書適合教師於日常課堂用作大班教學的增潤讀物,也適用於小組教學的輔助教材,更可作為家長與子女伴讀的課外閱讀材料。本計劃衷心期盼叢書既能讓幼兒累積饒有趣味的閱讀經驗,又能為教師及家長提供簡易的導讀方向,培養幼兒良好的閱讀興趣和習慣,向學會閱讀的道路邁進一大步。</p> </div> </div> <div class="wp-block-kadence-spacer aligncenter kt-block-spacer-_98f960-08"> <h3 class="kt-adv-heading_48a282-9d wp-block-kadence-advancedheading" data-kb-block="kb-adv-heading_48a282-9d"><strong>學習卡介紹 (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">簡介</a>)</strong></h3> <div id="section-gb8b30e" class="wp-block-gutentor-e1 section-gb8b30e gutentor-element gutentor-element-advanced-text text-align-justify-desktop"> <div class="gutentor-text-wrap"> <p class="gutentor-text">語文童樂」計劃希望能夠將「及早識別,及早支援」的理想在幼稚園落實推行。在「理論為據、實證為本」的基礎上,我們經歷六年與業界合作,研發了三個學習層級的支援小組課程,對應不同年級及學習能力學生的需要。學校宜根據學生的級別、相關評估的測試結果,選用適合學生學習程度的支援小組課程,從而設立有效的語文學習支援系統。三級課程分別為「葉芽級」、「花兒級」及「果子級」。<br /><br /><strong>語文童樂學前語文學習卡葉芽級</strong><br />· 適用對象:主要為幼稚園低班程度(K2)的幼兒而設,亦適合語文學習能力與幼稚園低班程度(K2)相近的幼兒。<br />· 學習目標:着重培養幼兒的口語表達能力和識字組詞能力。<br />· 學習主題:共有兩個主題。<br /> <br /><strong>語文童樂學前語文學習卡花兒級</strong><br />· 適用對象:主要為幼稚園高班程度(K3)的幼兒而設,亦適合語文學習能力與幼稚園高班程度(K3)相近的幼兒。<br />· 學習目標:着重豐富幼兒的口語表達、識字組詞及句子組織能力,全面提升語文水平。<br />· 學習主題:共有五個主題。<br /><strong> </strong><br /><strong>語文童樂學前語文學習卡果子級</strong><br />· 適用對象:主要為4-6歲幼兒而設,亦適合語文學習能力與幼稚園高班程度(K3)相近的幼兒。<br />· 學習目標:着重豐富幼兒的口語表達、識字組詞及句子組織能力,全面提升語文水平。<br />· 學習主題:共有五個主題。</p> <h3 class="kt-adv-heading_48a282-9d wp-block-kadence-advancedheading" data-kb-block="kb-adv-heading_48a282-9d"><strong>兒歌集介紹 (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">試讀</a>)</strong></h3> <div id="section-g165425" class="wp-block-gutentor-e1 section-g165425 gutentor-element gutentor-element-advanced-text text-align-justify-desktop"> <div class="gutentor-text-wrap"> <p class="gutentor-text">《語文童樂學前語文主題兒歌集》編寫理念源於國際閱讀研究的結果,期望通過有意義的兒歌,幫助幼兒鞏固、綜合及連結閱讀的兩大基石:文字解碼和語言理解,從而發展閱讀理解能力,達致閱讀成就。兒歌集根據幼稚園常用的教學,建議和對應級別的學習卡配套使用,適合家長與子女進行學習活動,同時適合幼兒自習朗讀。</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>語文童樂 : 銀娛讀寫支援及研究計劃
Copyright (c) 2022 語文童樂 : 銀娛讀寫支援及研究計劃
2022-09-012022-09-01No cenenário de Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen (1919-2019)
<p>The life and work of the Portuguese poet Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen were celebrated in Macau in 2019 during a conference at the University of Saint Joseph. Several papers presented at that conference are collected in this book, as well as contributions from scholars from European and Asian institutions. In some of her poems, she mentions the Orient and celebrates Portuguese discoveries. It presents a unique look at Sophia’s work from the viewpoint of people who live and work in Asia.</p>Borges Vera
Copyright (c) 2022 Borges Vera
2022-09-012022-09-01Goa e Macau:
<p>Por razões sobejamente conhecidas, Macau e Goa sempre surgiram de certo modo associadas no nosso imaginário, constituindo com Timor os polos mais orientais daquilo a que se chamou o Império Português, algo que terminou completamente em 19 de Dezembro de 1999, aquando da entrega da Administração de Macau à China e a instalação da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau, quase quarenta anos depois da integração do próprio “Estado da Índia” (Goa, Damão e Diu) na República da India, que se tornara realidade em 1950.</p> <p>Quando referimos a identidade inscrita nas línguas, literaturas e culturas de Goa e de Macau, temos de ter em conta que se trata de processos diferentes e de realidades diferentes.</p> <p>Foram diferentes os modelos de colonização que, em Macau, não terá sido. Diferentes foram também as comunidades de “língua portuguesa” que em Goa e em Macau se formaram, pese embora o facto de uma boa parte da comunidade macaense dever a sua origem a Goa, onde a miscigenação, “arma” poderosa da política colonial, teve um sucesso que não se verificou do mesmo modo em Macau.</p> <p>Temos, pois, duas identidades diferentes entre si, espelhadas também de modo diferente nas respectivas literaturas, embora usuárias da mesma língua e com elementos comuns no seu passado.</p>Borges Vera
Copyright (c) 2022 Borges Vera
2022-09-012022-09-01我的澳門 我的故事 | Macau – A Minha História
<p>Macau – A Minha História”, bilingual edition – in Portuguese and Chinese languages – an initiative of four editors: José Manuel Simões, Paris Pei, João M. Rato and Guan Jian Sheng, together with the USJ itself. The session will be attended by the authors, editors and José Luís Sales Marques, who will present the book.</p> <p>The 12 narratives that make up this work are composed by thirteen authors/photographers of diverse nationalities, provenances and cultural backgrounds, who forged an intense connection with the city of Macau, and offer us their vision about this multifaceted city, under the form of stories told through text and photos. The final result is a unique set of profound visual memories and surprising narratives that condense the quintessence of this mysterious land, open to the world for centuries.</p>Jian Sheng GuanCecília VongMarjolene EstradaKin Ieng NgDinameneTian Xing OuMonteiro JoãoDing An PeiJosé Manuel SimõesJin XinJoão Palla MartinsMan-Hei NgJoão M. Rato
Copyright (c) 2022 Emily Chan; 關健生 Guan Jian Sheng, 黃碧茜 Cecília Vong, Marjolene Estrada, 吳建瑩 Ng Kin Ieng, Dinamene 蒂娜妹, 區天興Ou Tian Xing, João Monteiro 羅約翰, 裴定安 Pei Ding An, José Manuel Simões 施萬樂, 金鑫 Jin Xin, João Palla Martins 馬俊奧, 吳文希 Man-Hei Ng, João M. Rato 陶銘傑
2022-06-012022-06-01Retrieving the sense of the sacred
<p>In the course of history, the experience of silence has always been a slice of glorious treasures in the Roman liturgy. Silence as Sacred is not only a historical issue but also a practical one in modern liturgical experience. As a liturgical minister in our time, the author reflects on this phenomenon and explores a theological disposition on the liturgical foundation of silence.</p> <p>The research is conducted in a context-theology-paradigm approach, of which it aims to investigate the theology of liturgical silence with the aid of actual pastoral experience—the common liturgical experience in modern Catholic worship.</p> <p>Therefore, the content of this book deals with the intrinsic connection between the Sacred—the mystery which the liturgy celebrates—and the theological implication of silence in Catholic worship. By embracing various theological disciplines: Philosophy of Religion, Biblical Studies, Christology, Patristic Theology, Christian Worship and Liturgical Music, a proper and comprehensive theological investigation of liturgical silence is presented.</p> <p>The author intends to justify Silence as a liturgical paradigm: a proper means of enhancing the celebration of modern Catholic liturgy. Sacred silence, as prescribed in Sacrosanctum Concilium (The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy), truly revives the spirit of the Second Vatican Council.</p> <p>To recover a proper liturgical value of silence in the liturgy is to recover the sense of the sacred in the living world.</p>Leechun Wong
Copyright (c) 2021 2021
<p>In the light of the many kinds of journeys that have been considered pilgrimages, this book uses phenomenology as a method to examine the claim that pilgrimage is a journey to the ‘center’ during which pilgrims seek meaning s for themselves. First, by analyzing a phenomenology of Christian pilgrimage, this work attempts to identify what commonalities, as well as differences, exist between Christian pilgrimage and secular pilgrimage in terms of ‘natural attitude’.</p> <p>Next, by using a phenomenological method, such as transcendental reduction, the distinction between these two types of pilgrimage could be clarified that the happiness sought in Christian pilgrimage is both intentionally spiritual and sustainable, while primarily intellectual or sensory in secular pilgrimage. Lastly, this work seeks to establish whether or not ‘being at leisure’ is the primary element for pilgrims whose aim is to attain an understanding of happiness during a pilgrimage.</p>Haojun Yuan
Copyright (c) 2021 2021
2021-11-012021-11-01Sacred and the Everyday
<p>In recent years, comparative studies on how humanity has reflected on the sacred vis-a-vis the everyday as expressed in literature across cultures. A group of scholars especialized in comparative literature, theology, religious studies, and related fields met in 2019 to explore themes such as the speakable and the unspeakable in human religious sensitivities, the effect of religious texts in framing the human perception of sacred time and the everyday, and other comparative studies on religious texts and traditions.</p>Stephen Morgan
Copyright (c) 2021 Stephen Morgan
2021-09-012021-09-01 Macao’s Mangroves | 澳門的紅樹林
<p>Mangrove forests are one of the most ecologically valuable ecosystems in the world. They are quite unique in having the ability to live and survive along intertidal and estuarine environments, where the land meets the sea. This coastal vegetation not only supports and protects a diverse group of terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna, it also physically protects our coastlines against strong waves and provides coastal communities with many socio-economic benefits.</p>Karen Araño TagulaoShek Kiu ChanSusana WongO. Ang PutKaren Kam
Copyright (c) 2020 Karen Araño Tagulao, Chan Shek Kiu, Susana Wong, Put O. Ang, Karen Kam
2020-09-012020-09-01Perspectives on Inclusion
<p>In an inclusive education system, educators engage with increasing their understanding of individual differences, especially in regard to learning, and develop and adjust learning and assessment tasks and contexts in ways that make them accessible and appropriate for all their students regardless of starting ability levels, interests, learning strengths and weaknesses. In inclusive schools, diverse approaches to learning are valued and all learners are challenged and supported to be successful in their learning goals.<br>Macao has begun the journey to develop an increasingly inclusive education system. This book has been written as the journey is beginning and explores some of the different perspectives toward inclusion and interpretations of “inclusive education” within Macao’s education systems and the wider community at this time. The main aims of the research presented in this book are to understand the different views and roles of staff in Macao schools and in the wider community. The book raises questions about how inclusion in Macao might unfold and identifies areas where efforts may be needed to progress inclusive education.</p>Ana M. CorreiaDonna CouzensCarrie Ho
Copyright (c) 2025 Ana M. Correia; Donna Couzens; Ho Ka Lee, Carrie
2019-09-012019-09-01Like a Tree Planted by Streams of Water
<p>In 2019 Macao Baptist Church celebrates its 115th anniversary. How did this Baptist church come to be established in the Portuguese administered, Chinese city of Macao? Through examination of letters and reports from the main protagonists, John Laurels and Lilian Reeves Todd Galloway, the process of establishing the Baptist church can be revealed and understood within the greater context of the Baptist missionary work in China. The Galloway’s work is evaluated through a framework of different missions’ eras. This work looks at the material in two major sections; first, the lives of the Galloways in Macao from 1908 to 1968, and second, the missionary methods of the Galloways over the same period. Using missiological methods from the era of Kingdom Mission, the Galloways stood firmly in the Church Mission era focusing their efforts on Personal rather than Social Transformation. Their work laid the foundation for a century of Baptist work in Macao by local Christians as well as foreign missionaries.</p>Lawrence Ballew
Copyright (c) 2019 Lawrence Ballew
2019-09-012019-09-01Direito em Português
<p>O presente manual Direito em Português – A língua e a Escrita é dirigido a licenciados em Direito, juristas, estudantes universitários, intérpretes e tradutores. Corresponde aos Níveis B2/C1 do Quadro Europeu de Referência para as Línguas, embora num âmbito do português específico e com enfoque numa linguagem utilizada na área da advocacia.</p> <p>As metodologias seguidas na elaboração do manual centram-se no desenvolvimento das competências da compreensão, produção e expressão quer orais, quer escritas com predomínio da aquisição e domínio de um vocabulário jurídico.</p> <p>O manual está estruturado em cinco grandes capítulos – TEXTOS NORMATIVOS DE ÂMBITO GERAL; TEXTOS NORMATIVOS DE ÂMBITO JUDICIAL; TEXTOS NORMATIVOS DE ÂMBITO ESPECÍFICO; DECISÕES DOS TRIBUNAIS e um último Capítulo dedicado a CAMILO PESSANHA – Ilustre Advogado e Juiz de Macau.</p> <p>Cada capítulo apresenta várias tipologias de documentos de natureza processual, que por sua vez são contextualizados através de textos extraídos da imprensa e de obras literárias, assim como pensamentos de filósofos e escritores.</p> <p>Apesar de já estar disponível material para alunos de PLE centrado no esclarecimento de conceitos do Direito, este manual é inovador por se centrar não só na análise de documentos elaborados em escritórios de advocacia, visandotrabalhar a proficiência dos que pretendem fazer do Direito a sua ocupação profissional na RAEM, mas também por ter um carácter abrangente e integrador na cultura jurídica portuguesa.</p>Conde Margarida
Copyright (c) 2018 Conde Margarida
2018-09-012018-09-01Orientis Aura
<p>The Journal Orientis Aura: Macau Perspectives in Religious Studies is published by the Faculty of Religious Studies of the University of Saint Joseph in Macau. In 2006 the University, known on that time as Inter University Institute of Macau (IIUM), launched a Master Degree in Religious Studies and later, a Bachelor degree. It was the beginning of a complex process which resulted in the relaunching of the Catholic Theological Studies in Macau. Orientis Aura is an important milestone of this process that hopefully will be a major contribution to Macau towards the enhancement of the study and research within the field of Religious Studies.</p> <p>The journal will be published yearly under an Open Access Policy, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License following our worldwide promotion strategy. The objective is that the research developed in Macau by the University and by the network of partner institutions might encounter in this new Journal a solid and strong medium of scholarly communication.</p>FRSP
Copyright (c) 2016 Facutly of Religious Studies and Philosophy