Apply ISBN


An International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique code for the identification of books, which is used whenever information on books needs to be recorded or communicated.

Application of ISBN

The applications of ISBNs for the USJ are assigned by the Library.

An ISBN should be assigned to:
– Printed books and pamphlets.
– New edition of a book (change of format – such as microform, large print, change of binding – such as paperback, hardbound, change of title, author or publisher, change in size, text or illustrations, etc).
– Non-printed materials: microform publications, educational videos or movies, audio books, electronic publications etc.
– Mixed media publications.


Documents Needed

After finalizing the manuscript, design layout and before printing, the applicant should submit:
– 1 copy of Cover Page
– 1 copy of Title Page
– 1 copy of Colophon Page

And provide the following information to the Library to process:

Paperback or Hardbound
Total number of pages
Launch date
Volume Set or Separate edition
Language(s) of text